A young medical intern Keisuke Soma (Eita) is placed to work in a distant countryside village. He meets the small town's resident doctor named Dr. Osamu Ino (Tsurube Shofukutei) who is collectively beloved by the town. Keisuke follows Dr. Ino around and starts to learn stuff that a medical school can't teach him. A secret then emerges about the life of Dr. Ino and the whole town need to come to grips with the new knowledge of the man they so highly admire.
Classification: NA
Genre: Drama
Running Time:
Distributor: Golden Screen Cinemas
Cast: Eita, Kaoru Yachigusa, Kimoko Yo, Teruyuki Kagawa, Tsurube Shofukutei, Yutaka Masushige
Director: Miwa Nishikawa